Research and insights from Arena CEO and Chief Investment Officer Dan Zwirn


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The information presented is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice nor is it a recommendation of an offer of investment advisory services or products. The statements contained herein may contain certain forward-looking statements that are based on our beliefs, as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to us. These forward-looking statements are, by their nature, subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Certain information contained herein concerning economic trends and performance is based on or derived from information obtained from independent third-party sources. Arena believes that the sources from which information has been obtained are reliable. However, Arena cannot guarantee the accuracy of such information and has not independently verified the accuracy or completeness of such information.

Arena makes no representation and it should not be assumed that past investment performance is an indication of future results. Moreover, wherever there is a potential for profit there is also the possibility of loss.

Credit Secondaries: What Do Buyers Want? 

“There are late adopters who are entering this market because they now see it as ‘the thing to do,’ says Arena’s Dan Zwirn⁠—⁠which underscores both the challenges and the opportunity.”

Private Debt Defaults: What Lies Beneath?

“The innovation around the thwarting of price discovery has been extreme,” says Zwirn, “and ratings agencies are frequently the ambulance that shows up late to the funeral home.”

Our Thoughts on Real Estate Today, and As We Enter 2025

“Despite optimism to the contrary, various cross⁠-⁠currents continue to affect the environment for real estate investing. This piece lays out our current views and topics from various conversations with our clients.”

Zwirn: What Could Go Wrong in the “Golden Age” of Private Credit?

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The Value Perspective Allocator’s Edge with Arena Investors CEO/CIO Dan Zwirn

arena investors

Arena’s Thoughts on the “Golden Age” of Private Credit

“Amid claims of a ‘Golden Age’ for private credit, the reality is more complex, with blurred lines between direct and leveraged lending and rising risks tied to record fundraising and weakened terms.”

Arena Investors’ CEO Says Leveraged Finance Bubble Could Burst

Dan's View leveraged finance Bubble

Dan Zwirn Comments on Risk in Global Credit Markets 

Opportunities in Comeuppance

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Arena’s Zwirn on Flexibility in Special Situations: Credit Crunch

Daniel Zwirn: Opportunities the “Everything Bubble” Left Behind

Opportunity in Distress

“The implosions of inflated asset classes will offer value for years to come…in fact the market, if you think of it this way, is bigger than it’s ever been.”

Arena’s Zwirn Sees Opportunity Amid Implosion

“Zwirn says that areas of opportunity now include commercial mortgages, energy lending and asset-based loans⁠—⁠some with potential for 20 percent⁠-⁠plus return.”

Daniel Zwirn, Arena Investors: Avoiding Moral Hazard in Private Markets

Mastering Opportunities in Growth Credit and Venture Debt with Dan Zwirn

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INDepth with Daniel Zwirn on the Outlook for Global Credit

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Dan Zwirn Comments on Credit in Current Market Environment

View the entire MarketsToday episode

Zwirn Answers 9fin’s 9Questions

“An implosion has started in structured finance, real estate, and venture capital⁠—⁠and a whole series of opportunities are arising from it.”

Dan Zwirn — Unconstrained Opportunities

Zwirn on the Most Common Illiquidity, Risk and Volatility Fallacies Investors Face

“Investors fear ‘bounciness.’ But there are things that provide a steady stream of return, yet with high volatility. You should like that, not run from it.”

Arena Investors’ Zwirn on Global Markets

How “Solvency Theater” and Valuation Tricks Are Keeping the “Everything Bubble” Inflated

“As the ‘everything bubble’ begins to deflate, Dan Zwirn said he’s seeing the best potential investments since the founding of Arena Investors in 2015.”

Zwirn’s Year⁠-⁠End Letter: Arena’s Careful Stewardship Amidst the Bursting of the “Everything Bubble”

“While economies and markets continue to transition⁠—⁠painfully for many⁠—⁠Arena sees the largest opportunities in its history ahead.”

Arena’s Dan Zwirn Sees Tough Times Ahead and That’s Just Fine

“This year’s ugly turn for markets hasn’t forced Arena to review its business strategy⁠—⁠instead, the environment has come into line with Zwirn’s thinking.”

Finding Unique Investment Opportunities with Daniel Zwirn from Arena Investors on The Unlimited Podcast

Dan Zwirn on the Markets (Radio)

Arena Investors’ Zwirn on Markets and Strategies

Private Debt’s Six Biggest Challenges: How Liquidity Exacerbates the Stress

“The explosion of asset/liability⁠-⁠mismatched offerings is one secular change that is very underappreciated in the fixed income markets. But there are four steps you can take to ensure you are not a victim.”

Diversification in Private Market Portfolios: The “Free Lunch” That’s Still Too Expensive

“Even conventional models suggest that private-market offerings, particularly for credit, are under⁠-⁠diversified. Now adjust those models for real⁠-⁠world realities⁠—⁠and the under⁠-⁠diversification is truly woeful.”

Daniel Zwirn on Finding Value in the Biggest Bubble in History

Buyer Beware

“The purported safety of today’s corporate bonds, as reflected in their ratings, does not match their actual quality⁠—⁠and liquidity will not be there when you actually need it.”

The Two Big Risks as We Enter 2022

“Any investor considering the latest pitch for crypto, EV, metaverse ‘real estate,’ or NFTs (the list goes on) would do well to consider the many examples of destruction of capital that history provides.”

Don’t Ask Dan Zwirn About the Future

“The promise of disruptive technologies always seems to lure more money from investors than is actually warranted.”

Dan Zwirn, Arena Investors – A Stoic Approach to Investing

Changing the Playing Field: Implications of US Financial Policy for M&A Outlook

“Zwirn felt that the market is evolving and pursuing more sustainable strategies…‘a lot less spaceships and flying taxis.’”

Dan Zwirn – Boom, Bust and Redemption

Modern Graham: Arena’s Dan Zwirn on Deep Value Special Situations

Is Graham’s “Weighing Machine” Approach Out of Date?

“Arena does not follow the modern value mentality. Instead, it buys for less than liquidation value…and looks for a clear path to value realization.”

Dan Zwirn Invested Like a Crisis Was Coming — And Then Covid⁠-⁠19 Arrived

“We were in a position to quickly shift to playing offense.”

Liquidity Without Solvency: Investing Opportunities in the Current Credit Market Environment

Least Compelling Investments: How About US Muni Revenue Bonds?

“For those with the ability to comb through the scores of issuers, there will be many opportunities…”

Future Returns: Playing Offense in Credit Markets

“Arena scours the globe for opportunities that meet return⁠-⁠versus⁠-⁠risk standards for its private debt funds.”

Ten Views on how COVID⁠-⁠19 will Change Private Debt

“The one most powerful thing in determining an underwriter’s probability of being repaid…is alignment.”

Dan Zwirn on the State of Credit: “Amend, Extend and Pretend”

“Having steered clear of much of the private credit bubble, Arena is now swooping in on other fund managers’ troubled legacy investments.”

“Extend and Pretend”: Moral Hazard in the Debt Markets

Crisis Talk — with Dan Zwirn of Arena Investors

“There’s a real line between folks who are in the business of marketing funds, and folks who are in the business of investing.”

Coronavirus and Credit: When the Music Stops

Commentary: Private Equity Is Really Just a (Highly Leveraged) Bet on Credit – Daniel Zwirn

“In the alternatives universe…there is a dangerous illusion where investors are getting less diversification benefit than they think.”

Profiting from Mispriced Credit

Interview: This Time Is Different, Says Arena Investors’ CEO Daniel Zwirn

“Over⁠-⁠regulation has led to these five changes that increase investment risk…that investors would be well⁠-⁠served to be aware of.”

Corporate Debt Pre-mortem

“For the anticipatory analysis of what will go wrong in the next financial crisis…consult an essay with lead author Daniel Zwirn of Arena Investors…It’s a must‑read.”

This Time Is Different, Credit Shop Argues

“Zwirn believes investors need to better understand the secular changes in the markets since the financial crisis…or they will be overlooking bigger risks.”

Investors in Credit Are Backing Hammers That See Only Nails

“After a decade of low rates…too many investors are creating what sells rather than what makes a good investment.”

Daniel Zwirn of Arena Investors

“Today’s great opportunities require a lot of digging…and they’re far, far away from the liquid credit markets.”

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